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Sharing records with others

Sharing is a (1) Pro feature

  1. Requires a paid SplashID Pro 9 license.


Sharing screen

Sharing of your records and viewing records shared by others is done in the Sharing screen. The Sharing screen can be reached by clicking on the Shared link in the application menu.

You can share your records with other SplashID Pro 9 users once you set up trusted users and groups of trusted users in your account.

Similarly, you can see another users shared information if they invite you to become their trusted user, and you accept their invite.

A user who accepts a sharing invite becomes a trusted user of the other.

Once you have added some trusted users, you can setup groups to allow sharing of records with multiple people without having to share with them individually on every record.

Controlled sharing

In SplashID Pro 9, you control who else can see the records that you share. It is a one-way sharing, and allows you to share with others who are willing to see your shared information.

This also means that sharing in the reverse direction depends on the other user inviting you, and you accepting the invitation.

When groups are created, invited users can accept or reject the invitations. This gives a user the power to decide if they want to join a group or not.

Sharing summary

Sharing of records in SplashID Pro 9 can be achieved by:

  1. Setting up trusted users.

  2. Optionally, creating groups of your trusted users.

  3. Editing your records and assigning them to these trusted users and/or groups to start sharing of these records.

You remain the owner of your records, and through sharing can optionally give others the right to edit your records.

This means that sharing of records can be used as a powerful tool to disseminate your information in a controlled and secure manner.

Sharing requires a paid license

All users involved in sharing will need a valid SplashID Pro 9 license to be able to setup trusted users and groups, and then to share records.

Trusted users

Add a trusted user

You can invite another SplashID Pro 9 user to view and/or edit records shared by you with them.

To add a trusted user do the following.

  1. Visit the Shared screen from the application menu.
  2. Click or tap on the Users button at the top of the middle panel in desktops, or at the top of the left panel in tablets, or at the top of the screen in mobiles.
  3. Click or tap on the Invite User link at the top right side of your screen.
  4. Enter the user's email address, select/deselect the optional Edit check box.
  5. Click or tap on the Invite button to send out an email to the user.

The invited user will need to accept your invite. Till the invitation is not accepted it will be displayed in the same screen in the Pending tab.

Once trusted, you can add this user to your personal records in the record editor, and save the record to start sharing the record with the trusted user.

Removing a trusted user

To remove a trusted user do the following.

  1. Visit the Shared screen from the application menu.
  2. Click or tap on the Users button at the top of the middle panel in desktops, or at the top of the left panel in tablets, or at the top of the screen in mobiles.
  3. Click or tap on the Trusted tab header.
  4. Locate the trusted user in the list, and click or tap on the 3 dot icon.
  5. Click or tap on the Remove option in the list.
  6. Click or tap on the Remove button to confirm the removal of the user.

Changing edit permission

Shared records can be edited by a trusted user if they were assigned an edit permission to the trusted role by the owner of the record. The edit permission can be revoked or granted at any time by the user owning the records, by modifying the edit permissions in the trusted user setup.

Accepting an invitation

You can accept the invite sent by another SplashID Pro 9 user to view and/or edit records shared by them with you.

To accept an invite do the following.

  1. Visit the Shared screen from the application menu.
  2. Click or tap on the Users button at the top of the middle panel in desktops, or at the top of the left panel in tablets, or at the top of the screen in mobiles.
  3. Click or tap on the Pending tab header.
  4. Locate the inviting user in the list, and click or tap on the 3 dot icon.
  5. Click or tap on the Accept item in the list to accept the invitation.

Declining an invitation

You can decline the invite sent by another SplashID Pro 9 user.

To decline an invite do the following.

  1. Visit the Shared screen from the application menu.
  2. Click or tap on the Users button at the top of the middle panel in desktops, or at the top of the left panel in tablets, or at the top of the screen in mobiles.
  3. Click or tap on the Pending tab header.
  4. Locate the inviting user in the list, and click or tap on the 3 dot icon.
  5. Click or tap on the Decline item in the list to accept the invitation.

Resend invitation

Sometimes, you might need to send the invite to another user again.

To resend an invite do the following.

  1. Visit the Shared screen from the application menu.
  2. Click or tap on the Users button at the top of the middle panel in desktops, or at the top of the left panel in tablets, or at the top of the screen in mobiles.
  3. Click or tap on the Invited tab header.
  4. Locate the user in the list to whom you want to send the invitation again, and click or tap on the 3 dot icon.
  5. Click or tap on the Re-invite option in the displayed list.

Inform the user personally

Do let the invited user know personally of a pending invitation, if required. Some of them prefer to be notified personally of such actions.

Enable edit permission

To enable edit permission of a trusted user do the following.

  1. Visit the Shared screen from the application menu.
  2. Click or tap on the Users button at the top of the middle panel in desktops, or at the top of the left panel in tablets, or at the top of the screen in mobiles.
  3. Click or tap on the Trusted tab header.
  4. Locate the trusted user in the list, and click or tap on the 3 dot icon.
  5. Click or tap on the Enable edit option in the list.

Disable edit permission

To disable the edit permission given previously to a trusted user do the following.

  1. Visit the Shared screen from the application menu.
  2. Click or tap on the Users button at the top of the middle panel in desktops, or at the top of the left panel in tablets, or at the top of the screen in mobiles.
  3. Click or tap on the Trusted tab header.
  4. Locate the trusted user in the list, and click or tap on the 3 dot icon.
  5. Click or tap on the Disable edit option in the list.

Groups of users

You can create groups of your trusted users for sharing records between them. Once a group has been created, you can add your trusted users to the group and assign them one of the following roles.

  1. Admin
  2. Editor
  3. Viewer

The roles and the permissions they have are listed and described in the following sections.

Roles and permissions

The group owner can assign roles to every user in the group. The default role of a user in a group is that of a viewer.

Role Manage group users Share own records in group Edit others records View shared reccords
Admin Yes Yes Yes Yes
Editor No Yes Yes Yes
Viewer No No No Yes

Admin of a group

An admin user can add, remove or edit other users role permissions. They cannot change the group owners permissions.

Using this mechanism, administration of a groups members can be delegated to other users.

An admin user can share their own records, and will also have edit permissions on the records that have been shared in the group.

Editor of a group

An editor can make changes to a records description, fields, notes, attachments and icons. They cannot change the existing sharing information in the records shared by others i.e. they cannot add/update users and groups assigned to a record.

An editor can share their own records in the group.

Viewer of a group

A viewer in a group can only see the records shared in the group. They will not be able to edit any shared records, or share their own records.

Create a group

To create a group of trusted users do the following.

  1. Click or tap on the Groups button at the top of the middle panel in desktops, or at the top of the left panel in tablets, or at the top of the screen in mobiles.
  2. Click or tap on the Create Group link at the top right side of your screen.
  3. Enter a name for your sharing group.
  4. Click or tap on the Create button to create the group. The created group is then displayed in the My Groups tab in the same screen.
  5. Click on the group name to start adding trusted users from your user list. You can assign Admin, Editor or Viewer roles to the invited user.

Adding group members

To add a trusted user to a group do the following. You need to be a group admin to be able to do this.

  1. Click or tap on the Groups button at the top of the middle panel in desktops, or at the top of the left panel in tablets, or at the top of the screen in mobiles.
  2. Click or tap on a group shown in the list of groups you have setup in the My Groups section.
  3. Click or tap on the Invite user link at the top right side of your screen.
  4. In the displayed dialog

  5. Select some or all of the trusted users you want to add to the group.

  6. Select the role you want to give to the users you are adding in the group.

  7. Click or tap on the Invite button to send invites to the added users.

Invited users need to accept the invitation to be able to join the group.

Removing group members

To remove a trusted user to a group do the following. You need to be a group admin to be able to do this.

  1. Click or tap on the Groups button at the top of the middle panel in desktops, or at the top of the left panel in tablets, or at the top of the screen in mobiles.
  2. Click or tap on a group shown in the list of groups you have setup in the My Groups section.
  3. Click or tap on the Members tab to see the existing members in the group.
  4. Locate the user you want to remove, and click or tap on the three dots actions button shown to the right.
  5. Click or tap on the Remove button to remove the user from the group.

Changing members role

To change the role assigned to an existing group member do the following. You need to be a group admin to be able to do this.

  1. Click or tap on the Groups button at the top of the middle panel in desktops, or at the top of the left panel in tablets, or at the top of the screen in mobiles.
  2. Click or tap on a group shown in the list of groups you have setup in the My Groups section.
  3. Click or tap on the Members tab to see the existing members in the group.
  4. Locate the user you want to remove, and click or tap on the three dots actions button shown to the right.
  5. Click or tap on the Make admin, Make editor or Make viewer option in the list to change the role of the user in the group.

Re-invite a user

To re-invite a user to join a group do the following. You need to be a group admin to be able to do this.

  1. Click or tap on the Groups button at the top of the middle panel in desktops, or at the top of the left panel in tablets, or at the top of the screen in mobiles.
  2. Click or tap on a group shown in the list of groups you have setup in the My Groups section.
  3. Click or tap on the Invited tab to see the members in the group who were invited previously, but have not yet accepted the invite.
  4. Locate the user you want to re-invite, and click or tap on the three dots actions button shown to the right.
  5. Click or tap on the Re-invite button to remove the user from the group.

Cancel invite of a user

To cancel a user previously invited to join a group do the following. You need to be a group admin to be able to do this.

  1. Click or tap on the Groups button at the top of the middle panel in desktops, or at the top of the left panel in tablets, or at the top of the screen in mobiles.
  2. Click or tap on a group shown in the list of groups you have setup in the My Groups section.
  3. Click or tap on the Invited tab to see the members in the group who were invited previously, but have not yet accepted the invite.
  4. Locate the user you want to cancel the invite for, and click or tap on the three dots actions button shown to the right.
  5. Click or tap on the Cancel button to cancel the invite sent to the user previously.

Rename a group

To rename a group do the following. You need to be a group admin to be able to do this.

  1. Click or tap on the Groups button at the top of the middle panel in desktops, or at the top of the left panel in tablets, or at the top of the screen in mobiles.
  2. Click or tap on a group shown in the list of groups you have setup in the My Groups section.
  3. Click or tap on the Edit icon in the group header at the top.
  4. Change the name of the group.
  5. Click or tap on the Update button to change the group name.

Delete a group

To delete a group do the following. You need to be a group admin to be able to do this.

  1. Click or tap on the Groups button at the top of the middle panel in desktops, or at the top of the left panel in tablets, or at the top of the screen in mobiles.
  2. Click or tap on a group shown in the list of groups you have setup in the My Groups section.
  3. Click or tap on the Trash icon in the group header at the top.
  4. In the displayed dialog, optionally select if you want to also delete the records shared in the group while deleting the group. If not selected, the records you own will be converted to personal records and will appear in your My Records screen.
  5. Click or tap on the Delete button to delete the group.

Share a personal record

To share a record for the first time, go to a personal record in one of the record lists and start editing it.

Trusted users and groups

You need to have atleast one trusted user or group setup for being able to share a record.

You can then add your trusted users and groups to this record in the sharing section in the record details panel.

Finally, save the record to start sharing of the record.

Sharing of a personal record will convert it to a shared record. The shared record will be removed from your personal lists, and will be available in the Shared records screen that can be accessed from the application menu.

Shared records remain with the owner

A record that has been shared with others continues to be owned by the user who created the record.

Only a record owner can change the sharing information in a record.

Managing sharing of a record

You can modify the list of users and groups in a record, and save the record to make changes to record sharing effective.

If a record is shared with one or more groups, and you have assigned Admin roles to other group members, then they can also manage sharing of the record indirectly by managing the group membership.

Removing sharing of a record

You can convert a shared record to a personal record if you are the owner of the record.

To remove access to a shared record, edit the record and remove all the users and groups in the Sharing section.

Once all users and groups have been removed from the list in the record, and the record saved, the record will become a personal record that is accessible only by you.

The record will be removed from your shared list, and will be available in the My Records screen that can be accessed from the application menu.


A personal record that is shared will become visible to trusted users after they sync their content or do a fresh sign in.

A shared record that is made a personal record will be removed from the shared view of the trusted users after they sync their content or do a fresh sign in.