Volume License Program (VLP)
VLP is for teams with their own email domain
A VLP license caters to all users with email addresses from a domain who sign up for a SplashID Pro 9 account.
You need to be an authorised person in your company to register for a VLP. Please contact your IT admin before you sign up for a VLP license.
If you want to use your official email address for a personal license then please refer to the personal license page for details on how to purchase one.
A VLP plan is designed to cater to a group of users who share a common email domain. Once purchased it automatically assigns Pro licenses to the users who sign up for a SplashID Pro 9 account with email addresses from the registered domain. It is therefore easy for users in small groups to get licenses automatically without the need for any additional administration.
The number of users who automatically get a Pro license will depend on the pack you subscribe to. They get assigned on a first come first serve basis.
The VLP administrator also has the flexibility to view the assigned users and add or remove them from the list. All of this is done from within the SplashID Pro 9 app.
How does it work?
In a nutshell VLP works as follows.
- An administrator creates a SplashID Pro 9 account with their official email, signs in and purchases a VLP license for the email domain.
- After that, users from the same email domain automatically get a license when they sign up for a SplashID Pro 9 account.
- The administrator can add or remove users who are assigned licenses in the VLP for the domain.
Volume License Program screen
The VLP subscription administration is done in the Subscriptions screen in Settings. To go the VLP screen do the following.
- Sign in to a SplashID Pro 9 application on Windows or Android with your administrator email address.
- Click or tap on the Settings entry in the application menu.
- Click or tap on Subscriptions.
- Click or tap on the Volume License Plan button.
The sections below explain the VLP work flow in detail.
Enrolling in a VLP program creates a VLP account for the domain used by the team.
A domain can be enrolled only once for a VLP program. The email address used to enroll for the VLP program becomes the administrator of the VLP for that domain.
You can enroll in the SplashID Pro 9 Volume License Program by following the steps listed below.
- Go to the VLP screen as explained above.
- Choose a pack from the available list. A pack gives you a set of licenses that your users can use. If you need more licenses, you can add more quantities of the chosen pack, or buy a larger pack.
- Click or tap on the Subscribe button of the chosen plan. You will be taken to a purchase form.
- Enter all the details in the VLP purchase form correctly. Ensure that your email address is correct. Complete the purchase and go back to the subscriptions screen.
- You should be able to see more options in the VLP plan that you just purchased. These options allow you to increase or decrease the number of licenses, add or remove users who are assigned Pro licenses in the pack, or even cancel the subscription renewal.
Onboard users
Users get aassigned to your VLP in two ways. The maximum number of users who get a Pro license from the VLP will depend on the packs you purchase.
A user who signs up for a SplashID Pro 9 account gets a Pro license automatically, if the following conditions are met.
The users email address is from the domain authorised for the VLP.
The maximum licenses available has not been used up.
An administrator adds the users email address to the VLP. This is done in the Volume License Program subscriptions screen. This is possible as long as there are licenses available to be assigned.
Administer VLP
A VLP administrator can perform the following actions from within the SplashID Pro 9 app on a Windows or Android device.
- Purchase more quantities of the same VLP pack to add to the available licenses.
- Purchase other VLP packs to add to the total licenses available for the domain.
- Cancel a VLP subscription.
- View the list of users assigned to the VLP packs.
- Add or remove users from the list of licenses.
To perform the above actions follow the steps listed below.
- Go to the VLP screen as explained above.
- Scroll down to the VLP pack you have subscribed to.
- Click or tap on the + button to increase or decrease the number of licenses.
- Click or tap on the user icon button to add or remove users who are assigned Pro licenses in the pack.
- Click or tap on the X button to cancel the subscription renewal.
- Click or tap on the Refresh icon button to re-subscribe to the previously cancelled subscriotion.